
Who would like to achieve the healthiest version of YOU…..for good? As a registered dietitian I strive to help people do just that! I want to offer down to earth, honest & simplified tools that offer insight into the field of nutrition. I will equip you with the tools and knowledge needed to achieve your goals! So often while working with clients I see time & time again the struggle of consistent weight management. So today lets take a minute and start problem solving this common predicament.

Weight management challenges are BEHAVORIAL challenges. Oh my….I said it! The healthiest version of you comes down to consistency in your daily habits and choices NOT finding the perfect diet. I have a secret to share….I’m a dietitian who HATES DIETING! (Smiling) A “diet” is often a temporary change of behaviors that once the weight loss goal has been achieved fades back into the very habits that brought you into the dieting phase in the first place. A diet without genuine knowledge of nutrition and permanent behavioral change sets you up for failure. I have seen the discouragement & frustration from this type of failure. What I care about even more than helping you achieve a healthy weight is obtaining  healthy self esteem & body image with confidence in your ability to achieve and maintain health….for good!

Some basic tips to help you make  healthy lifestyle choices that stick:
1.Make lifestyle changes you can live with! We can honor our food preferences while making healthy alterations. An enjoyable satisfying eating regimen will last.
2. All foods fit. There is no one food that causes weight gain. The amount of what we eat and the proportions of those foods is the deal breaker when it comes to weight management.
3. Stop judging food as “good” & “bad”. The way we judge food gives it a power it does not hold. Often this judgment can affect our eating behaviors negatively.
4. Set realistic goals. Goal setting can either empower and encourage you or discourage you….its all in how you go about the process.
5. Identify your barriers to change. By reflecting on the factors that halt healthy changes in your life you can problem solve more efficiently.
6.Be accountable to yourself. Journaling, sharing your goals with a  friend or seeking a health expert aids in the journey towards positive change.
7.Numbers aren’t everything! Don’t let a number define you or your health. Set a precedent,  how you feel & think comes first!

I am excited to revisit each of these with you as I expound on them and offer more in depth tools to aid in your SUCCESSFUL journey toward health!


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