Tantrums, screaming, crying, demanding, making a scene….oh my! With every new child a little different flavor of “toddler” I so LOVE (sarcasm). Let me invite you back to nearly a month ago….a day fresh in my memory due to the pure bliss of my experience. (Close your eyes…imagine it…) It’s a beautiful spring day…the sun is out, the birds are chirping…I’m feeling happy…THEN…the waking of my toddler occurs. My number two is crying before he is out of his bed because his blankie is not laying on him correctly, I’m not sitting on the couch where he thinks I should, I am not getting milk for him in the “timely manner” he demands…I am just praying for SERENITY and PATIENCE. Now don’t get me wrong my lovely 3 year old is my joy and love but this tantrum throwing at the whim of the BREEZE was driving this Momma to want to take a jet to somewhere warm and tropical! My boy at the time was throwing tantrums more than 5 times per day. The above picture of him resting was becoming my favorite time of the day with him, sadly.

What broke the COWS (I have cattle…hehe) back was the visit to drop off his big brother, this glorious day, when he so beautifully performed a screaming, crying “I can’t walk” refuse to get off of the ground…then drag HIMSELF on the ground tantrum! All I could do was keep walkin g while carrying the baby while watching, glancing back as he was following me back to our car. I was devastated…were other parents going to think I was a horrible mom who doesn’t discipline and parent correctly…THANK THE GOOD LORD other parents emphasized, related and chuckled it off with me.

I decided to try something new the following day. I used the Young Living oil blend called Joy. It is known to aid in symptoms and situations related to the need for a little more Joy in your life….it was worth a try! What do I have to lose…only my SANITY..ha!  I applied Joy with a touch of a carrier oil (sweet almond oil is one of my favs) to his chest. I made a game out of it, drawing four wheelers and tractors with the oil and his precious little chest….and WOULDN’T YOU KNOW….the little stinker became more content, less whiney and well more JOYFULL and HAPPY! Friends I know this may sound crazy but…it helped me…and having the scientific mind I can have (I’m a Clinical Registered Dietitian too) I experimented days with it and with out it and he definitely had better days with a touch of Joy oil! Now, a more than a month later my boy is pretty dang happy …we never have had that awnery of a day since! Happy mama here!

Joy blend contains bergamot, ylang-ylang, geranium, lemon, coriander, tangerine, jasmine, roman chamomile, palmarosa and rose oil. These oils have several different physiological actions in the body such as acting as a relaxant and antispasmodic. A Brazilian university study found lemon essential oil had sedative, anxiolytic and antidepressant effects (LM Lopes C, et al 2011).
The Joy blend has been used by many people to assist in some of the concerns mentioned in the image to the left. If you are more interested in how Young Living oils might just save your SANITY (hehe only joking) from a crabby kid…please email me or follow here for more information (click drop box at top of screen when link opens for menu).

Have a JOY filled week my friends! Dovidenia. XO

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